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VQRP+ supports human trafficking victims

Mental health problems are prevalent among trafficked individuals and survivors are known to experience post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, anxiety, dissociation, self-hatred, and more. A trafficked person will often need emotional support or clinical counselling to help them recover from the psychological impact of their experiences.

As a part of Ontario's Anti-Human Trafficking Strategy 2020 - 2025, the government pledged to provide $7.65 million dollars to front-line victim services organizations to support human trafficking victims. Additional funding has been provided to the Victim Quick Response Program+ to help victims of human trafficking with expenses, such as accommodation, transportation, meals, dental care, mobile phones, tattoo removal, and counselling.

The Victim Quick Response Program (VQRP+) supports victims, witnesses and immediate family members of victims of violent crimes and can be accessed through any Ontario Network of Victim Service Providers.

You can find out more about this program in our area through Victim Services Bruce Grey Perth. Their office can be reached at 1-888-577-3111 or visit If you are a victim who needs assistance, they can be reached at their 24-hour line: 1-866-376-9852 or by email:

Source(s): Women’s Rights are Human’s Rights: Human Sex Trafficking in Canada 2018;

Ontario Strengthens Supports for Human Trafficking Victims and Survivors - Ontario Newsroom, Aug 24, 2020



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